Click on question from a category below to find answers to 常见问题. 如果您找不到您想要的信息,请与我们联系 208-388-2965 or
不,你不需要一个账户来搜索我们在主板上的空缺职位 职位空缺 页面. It is only necessary to create an account if you wish to apply for a position.
No, the My Account login is for hg8868皇冠下载 customers to manage their monthly power bill. This appears on most 页面s of our website for our customers’ convenience, but there is no interaction between this login and the Career Opportunities website, as you do not need to be an hg8868皇冠下载 customer to apply for a position with the company.
联系我们的招聘团队 (208) 388-2965 or
是的,我们的申请程序需要一份简历. If you do not have a resume, a resume template is a great place to start. Microsoft Word提供了多个模板.
Each position requires a separate application; however, your information will be saved in the system and can be accessed by using the username and password you created applying the first time using the system. 作为回国申请者, 您的大部分信息将预先填充, 使申请流程更快.
一旦申请截止日期已过, the hiring team will review all the resumes and applications to determine which candidates will be selected to move to the next step in the hiring process. 在有限的情况下, 这可能需要长达四周的时间, 取决于收到的申请数量. Candidates will be notified of their status via phone or email as the process progresses.
申请将不被保留以备将来的空缺, so it is necessary to apply each time you’d like to be considered for an open position. 然而, 如果你是回国申请者, 如上所定义, all your information is retained and you will only need to update information as needed.
No, hg8868皇冠下载 will not provide sponsorship for obtaining an employment visa, such as an H-1B visa.
- 仔细阅读招聘启事 – 特别是最低要求. We try to provide all the information you should need about an opening in the job posting itself. 最低要求部分是最重要的部分, 因为如果你没有必要的教育或经验, 你的信息不会转交给招聘主管.
- 接下来,看看是否有首选需求部分. 通常情况下,如果我们收到大量的工作申请, we’ll use the information shown in the Preferred Requirements section to narrow down the list. 如果你具备上面列出的技能或经验, 这将大大提高你前进的机会.
- 确保你的简历 演示了 你们如何满足我们的要求. A lot of people have been told they should never have more than a 1 页面 resume. 这是 绝对不是这样的 在申请皇冠现金盘公司的职位时. We want to know if and how you fit our requirements and the resume is where we go to find this information. We don’t mind if a resume is 4 页面s, as long as the information is relevant to the job. We can’t make any assumptions about what you do and how it might be related (for example, 仅基于职位名称). 所以一定要给我们讲清楚. 如果你在一家公司工作过, include a short statement about what kind of company it is/what they do. 不要只是列出一个职位名称,给我们一个详细的描述.
- 附上一封求职信. This tip may not help you in terms of how we assess whether you meet our minimum or preferred requirements. 然而, 如果你的个人资料被发送给招聘主管, candidates who provide a cover letter that helps introduce them and tell why they are a great candidate for the job, 更容易脱颖而出.
- 在求职申请中要注意职位的具体问题. There is a set of questions for every position that we have asked in order to help us assess the qualifications of a candidate. 当然,你应该诚实地回答这些问题, 但这本身可能还不够. 你还需要考虑你的简历是否支持你的答案. 举个例子, a lot of people might answer “yes” to a question about whether or not they have inventory experience. But if their resume doesn’t mention that they’ve done inventory in any previous job, 我们将无法推动他们前进. This ties back to point #3 above, which should show how important the resume is.
- 尽早提出问题. If you see a job posted that you are interested in and have questions, please feel free to call us. Or, if you receive a rejection notice and aren’t sure why you weren’t considered, email 或打电话 208-388-2965. 它可能不会改变特定招聘过程的结果, 但这些信息对你将来的申请有帮助.
我们只在idahopwer上发布职位并接受申请.使用第三方软件Workday. 骗子确实会以潜在的求职者为目标, 所以如果你对一个职位不确定, 请查阅我们的 职位空缺 页面 to confirm the job is open, or contact our Recruiting team at 208-388-2965.
学徒制 are an “earn while you learn” employment model that helps industries and employers train their future workforce. 通常需要几年的时间, apprentices work and learn alongside their teams while providing a valuable service for their companies and communities. 他们有收入, 获得实际工作经验, and graduate with nationally recognized credentials to work anywhere in their field. 学徒制包括在职学习, college-level classroom instruction —and at hg8868皇冠下载 — training in our state-of-the-art facility.
皇冠现金盘公司在发电方面提供学徒前培训项目, 车站和线路为学徒提供了一条很好的道路. The intent of the pre-apprentice program is to provide as much exposure to different aspects of generation plant operation, 或者站控, 设备及结构, or lines construction and maintenance while assessing the pre-apprentice’s aptitude and skills. Pre-Apprentices will be eligible to apply for apprentice positions when they become available.
- 18 years and older (21 or older for jobs that require crossing state lines).
- 能通过毒品检查和背景调查.
- 身体上能够做特定行业/职业的工作.
- 高中毕业生或获得普通教育文凭的人.
- 能够获得可靠的交通.
- 能够获得商业驾驶执照(对于一些学徒).
- 成为一名行业工匠的自豪感和激情.
- 致力于保护自己和周围人的安全.
- 良好的工作态度,能够在团队中工作.
- 勤奋、自信、谦虚.
- Committed to learning; able to retain information, 遵循的方向, 并与他人分享你所学到的.
- 负责任,敢于承认错误.
Although all of hg8868皇冠下载’s apprenticeship programs are listed on the website, apprenticeship opportunities are available only when there is an open position. 参观 职位空缺 页面 where all open positions are listed, to see if any apprenticeships are available. If you see a position you’re interested in, you can apply via our online application system.
hg8868皇冠下载 has partnered with the College of Southern Idaho to provide the opportunity for apprentices to get credit for their apprenticeship toward an Associates of Applied Technology Apprenticeship Degree. Completing an apprenticeship earns 45 credits toward the 60 needed for the AA degree. 所有课程都可以在线上, and hg8868皇冠下载 offers tuition assistance once an employee has been with the company for 12 months and has an acceptable performance record. 学费援助涵盖批准学费的80%, 通过C或C以上的课程的费用和材料.